The last of the "O" antiphons is, O come Emmanuel!
This novena asks every single day for the messiah to come. That is because the "O" antiphons are all about desire and longing. And yet, the last O antiphon actually tells us that God is already here, as that is the meaning of Emmanuel!
Revelation reaffirms that thought. Rev. 21:3 says I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Behold, God's dwelling is with the human race. God will dwell with them and they will be God's people and God will always be with them as their God.
Perhaps our Christmas gift is light, so that we understand that we have something precious already. Maybe our cry should be, help us see that gift. Help us realize our bounty.
For is it not true that when we ask for something we tend to forget what we already have?
So much of our Christmas in the United States revolves around gift giving. Not that that is bad. It just sets us in the mind that we need more, that we should be getting.
It would be wonderful if we could understand that Christmas is all about receiving, that the real and lasting gift is the gift of grace, of peace, of God already within.
Let us come before the Infant Jesus this year and pray, not that he comes, but that we open and realize that he is already here, in our hearts!