Saturday, October 15, 2016

A Wake Up Call

We all have our fantasies. It helps to have something or someone bring us back to reality.

I find this in psalm 34.  It reads

The Lord confronts the evildoers, 
to destroy remembrance of them from the earth.
When the just cry out, the Lord hears them,
and from all their distress he rescues them.

That is the kind of God I've wanted. I want a God who confronts those who do evil, and destroys their remembrance from the face of the earth.

But in my experience, God does not do that. At least, not that often. Not as often as I would like.

And so, further along that same psalm, we read:

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted;
and those who are crushed in spirit he saves.
Many are the troubles of the just person,
but out of them all the Lord delivers.

It's as if we are shown our fantasies, and then the reality of life.

That reality is not easy to accept. We will be broken. We will be in distress. None of us wants that.

When I serve individuals with struggles, I tell them in that first session that I cannot remove all of their struggles. I can only offer them tools so they can handle it better. I can walk with them as they process injurious incidents and heal.

I can see that God promises me the same. God does not give me my fantasies. God will not protect me from all the injurious incidents in life. God only promises to be close to me when I am brokenhearted or crushed in spirit.

That's why it is important to support one another. We have each experienced some form of pain and disappointment. It can be from partners, children, or friends. Life happens.

And when it does, it helps to have someone close who empathizes. It helps to have a friend who listens. Because such a person can help us heal and not be destroyed.

Friday, October 14, 2016

True change comes from within

Photo taken by Jerry Gracey

The Kingdom of Heaven is Within you, says Luke 17:21. I think of this as I see the turmoil surrounding our present candidates seeking election and the blatant disrespect going on around both campaigns. I wonder what has happened to us as a country.

As a mental health professional, I am troubled at what I see unfolding before us.

I think of the words of Luke, to look within. When I do, I am reminded of the things I really value, like honesty, courage, and dignity.

These values makes me look towards true leaders, those who have shown me by example more than by words or promises. Those individuals lived their values, not needing words or speeches to tell me what they stood for. When those individuals did speak, I trusted them, because I could see their words came from reflection, not from a desire for power or fame.

The most powerful words ever given to me came from such a seeker and believer who quoted the words from John 8:32 Seek the truth and the truth will set you free.

As I reflect, I remember how these words changed my life.

Before that time, I followed what others told me was true. I accepted other's reflection on my conduct or my destiny. I trusted because I was told that was the right thing to do, to let others who had the authority, the experience, the leadership, lead me to the place where I was suppose to be because they knew better.

But they were wrong. They did not lead me to a good place. I realize now that I was being led out of my inner Kingdom of God, taught to distrust the voice within my soul. Such advice left me wounded and struggling. It made me dependent on others. It kept me from inner growth and insight.

The words to seek the truth and the truth will set you free came from an individual who refused to make choices for me. A leader herself, she taught me to hear and trust the voice within. To do that, I had to return to that empty spot where that kingdom of God needed growing. I had to learn how to discern what was the voice of God and what was the voice of fear. I had to believe that making a mistake is not the worst thing you can do in life. Failing to act because you fear making a mistake is.

Such leadership empowered me. The scared little self grew, and I began going inward for God more and more. I learned to speak less and listen more. I learned to recognize the voice of God within.

Seek the truth and the truth will set you free.

 If this political climate is foggy, maybe we need to turn inward more.

Maybe we need to grow that Kingdom of God within. Without words. By listening.

Freezing Beautiful Times

Life would be so much easier if we could freeze the beautiful times, the times when joy overflowed and we were in tune with life around and ...