Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The second mile

I find some of the gospel quotes are hard sayings. In Matthew 5:41 we read:  Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles. I feel that this advice allows others to take advantage of me. Am I to allow it?

But I think that view misses the point. I think the Gospel story intends to challenge me to look at my giving, and see what prompts it.

I recently experienced the receiving end. Someone reached out to me gratuitously. The thoughtful and unexpected gesture moved me deeply. As I struggled to voice my "thank you" the person simply said, "All I ask is that when you can, pass it on."

Maybe that is what Jesus is saying. Maybe all Jesus wants from us is to not forget to hand on what has been shared with us. Maybe going the second mile means, you were forced into the first. Let the second be your own good will. Let the second be willing. Let the second be handing on.

I know for too long I felt I did not have enough to hand on. I wanted to wait until I had excess. Then, I felt, I could give. But meditating on this gospel verse, I think that this is the message. I will be forced to give, but I should then realize, I can give. I do not have to wait for excess.

For what does it mean when I wait for excess but that I think of giving as something outside of myself, like the scraps I have left over that I can then offer to beggars. Maybe the second mile means, giving is not a matter of excess. It is a matter of reaching down inside of myself and giving from that inner resource. It is giving the way we do with  loved ones, from the heart, from our inner selves. And if I have to be forced to realize that, do not stop there. Go the second mile.

Those are my thoughts on second miles. What are yours?

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