Thursday, October 4, 2012

Lifting the burden of someone else

My favorite artwork of Sr. M. Grace Thul, OP

I had a talk with the Lord yesterday. I said to Jesus, "Okay, Lord. I've trusted in you. You are my Lord and my God. That being said, you need to step up and take better care of me. I've trusted in you, but I find your care of me has been somewhat wanting of late." I looked up, and repeated, "Come on now. I want some lovin here!"

I wasn't joking. I was dead serious. Life has been, of late, somewhat challenging. Yesterday it all seemed to come to a head, and I needed a shoulder to cry on. So I chose Jesus (since no one else was available). I left for school, and arrived to find I'd forgotten my books and my binder with all my notes. Just great.

I walked into my small group supervision, put my backpack down, and began to complain. A classmate walked into the room and began handing out flowers. Brightly colored asters from her garden. One for each of us (there are only 6 in this class). I stopped complaining, and recognized the soft touch of the Lord. No, it wasn't a check for a million dollars. It wasn't even a hug. But it was a gift, with color, and with thoughtfulness. My classmate didn't know I was having a bad day. She was having a good day, and shared. And it spoke volumes to me.

Next time I am having a good day, I hope I do the same. I hope some thoughtful gesture will lift someone else's spirit, and bring more joy and less stress to this world. I hope I can pass on the Love of God by being that instrument of peace. I hope I can  share another's burden just enough that it ceases to be overwhelming.

So today my prayer to Jesus is, "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace!"

Happy Feast of St Francis of Assisi

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