Sunday, October 7, 2012

Where to find Divinity

Would we ever be content to only see rainbows in books? Would we forgo the feel of rain, the awesome sight of sunrises or sunsets, or the smell of flowers? Would we be content to know intelligently about falling in love and never want to experience it for real? I think not.

So why are we too often content to let our experience of God be totally abstract?

If you and I want to have a valid experience of God, we must do more than give ourselves to verbal prayer and silent meditation. We need to step outside of our comfort zone. We need to find our God through works of charity, giving, not with money, but with heart and time. We need to be willing to get our hands dirty, let our hearts feel the brokenness of others, and offer them a real hand.

Consider: the God who created us was not content to know the human condition from afar. The second person of the Godhead stepped into our lives and experienced all that we experience, all of it, including loneliness, pain, and rejection. He did not disdain to reach out and touch the poor, the sick, or the socially outcast.

God invites us to do the same. God would have us step out and find Divinity within the person, event, or circumstance of the moment. In return, our souls are opened and the bounty of love contained therein is unleashed. For in truth, we are the ones who benefit the most from these deeds.

If we would experience the Divine in our lives, we must not be content with a clean and sanitized spirituality. Let us get down and get dirty by taking time to actually perform acts of kindness. Let us disrupt our schedule to help someone else. For when we do, we do not just bring the Divine goodness to that person. We release it from our own inner prison.

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