Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Message of Holy Week

Holy Week. It is upon us. It offers each one of us a gift, the gift of remembering that just because things don't turn out right, just because our lives do not follow a straight path, doesn't mean we have lost. In fact, if Holy Week is anything, it is a vivid example of bad being turned to good, of suffering being made fruitful and redemptive, and love being powerful enough to overcome evil.

More and more I see life as "passing through the veil." It seems that before we can step into a deeper understanding of life, especially of the spiritual aspect of life, we must walk through some valley of mist, some shrouded event when we cannot see clearly or experience the present of God. Many times, these are times when we are crying out to God for assistance, and God seems silent. Our own agony in the Garden, our own abandonment by God.

I like to think that during such times of darkness and abandonment, we are walking through a veil. Because, if we hold fast, if we continue to believe without seeing or experiencing God, we do step beyond, we do reach a different level of understanding.

As we walk together this Holy Week, let us each remember those times in our own lives when we were alone, when God seemed far off, and help did not assist. Let us remember, so that when it happens again, we may be encouraged, and know that Holy Week is an event, not a destiny.

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