Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Be the miracle for someone else

Your broken fence may become someone's gate

After writing yesterday's post, someone sent me a video clip of Nick Vujicic, a man born without arms or legs. As I watched the video, saw his "imperfect gift" and heard him speak from his own experience, I knew that there was more to the concept of "imperfect gifts." I could see that "imperfect gift" also carries with it a hidden gift. I knew this as I saw power go out from this young man, the power of conviction and witness that he whose life had been challenged because of his disability had found ways to overcome. And it was the overcoming that moved him to give back, making tours to towns and villages across the whole world, witnessing not to glory, but to overcoming pain and despair. And his story resonated profoundly with his audience.

For me, it was his parting statement that hit home:

"If you pray to God for a miracle, and if God doesn't give you the miracle, God will let you be the miracle for somebody else."

As I watched the video, I realized another part of the "imperfect gift" comes with witness. Nick's speech would not be nearly as powerful if he did not have a personal story of triumph to tell. And it is the overcoming of the difficulties of the imperfect gift that makes the triumph powerful.

Let me remember then, that if in my imperfect gift, God does not hear my prayer for a miracle, that I myself will be the miracle for someone else.

Another reason to thank God for imperfect gifts.

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