Thursday, March 1, 2012

God bringing new creation out of chaos

In life, I tend to seek that which brings me stability, security and protection. I really do not like the unknown. I like clarity and peace and light.

And yet, life does not always give me these things. There are times when life challenges, when I have doubts and questions and darkness. There are times when I experience chaos.

The book of Genesis speaks of chaos, and narrates how it drew God to create. For God created not from calm and peace, but from chaos, from darkness, and from emptiness. That is the matter which drew God forth.

And so I learn, chaos is not a bad time. It is when God is drawing near, reaching out and creating something new. It is a time of transformation.

I need to remember, that to faith, waiting is a time of gestation, a time of new life, a time of revelation. And no matter how many times I've gone through it, I find that each time is different, each time challenges me in a new way. Each time, the creation brings forth a new aspect of my life that I did not expect.

And so I say, never shy away from risks, challenges or darkness. It is in stepping into these things that we find a new realm of spirituality, a different way of living. In accepting the challenge, we find a new creation, something God brings forth anew.

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