Often we think about drawing on our strengths, of becoming the person we are destined to be, of realizing our potential. Even here on this blog, topics often address issues of making myself a better spiritual person, fully conscious and deliberately living my life.
But there is another side I must not forget: giving back. Perhaps that is what the gospel story relates when it quotes Jesus as saying, "Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles" (Mt 5:41). I always found this a hard saying, as if someone can take advantage of me and I am to allow it. But I think that view misses the point. I think the Gospel story intends to challenge me to give more.
I recently experienced the receiving end. Someone reached out to me gratuitously. The thoughtful and unexpected gesture moved me deeply. As I struggled to voice my "thank you" the person simply said, "All I ask is that when you can, pass it on."
Maybe handing on is never forgetting as well. When I hand on, I stop and reflect how a similar gesture raised my spirits and brought new life to my soul. But I think it is more. I think that when we hand on, we imitate the Creator, who reached out into nothingness and chaos and offered life.