Saturday, October 23, 2010

Seeking the Deity Within

Recently someone shared with me the difficulty she had seeking  her true self. "I'm afraid to look inside of myself for fear of what I  might find," she admitted.

We often feel that way without realizing it.  We look for fulfillment outside of ourselves when we have a great treasure right inside our soul. Not that we don't need the outside stimulus or activity. Simply put, what it offers us pales to what we already have.

I admit, this is a hard concept to swallow. I too look for recognition, accolades, growth from the outside. I read constantly in an effort to learn more about myself and my journey. I forget that right in my soul is a Deity waiting patiently for me so that we can get to know one another better.

Its like having a great car, gas tank full, all the whistles and stops. And I look for something else to pull that car. Maybe a donkey,or a mule, or even a dog. All the time, the key is in the car, and if I would just sit down and turn the key, I would find the car has its own power to move.

True, all these thoughts require a certain balance.  But I still believe, we forget about the Deity within us, waiting to share with us the secrets of our hearts that even we aren't aware of.

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