Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Act as Divine

Forgiveness. It is the hall mark of the Christian, and of anyone following a compassionate spirituality. There are many ways to look at this act, as one bigger and more generous than the other, as one compassionate, or as one acknowledging human frailty and giving others what I want myself.

I believe forgiveness central to any spirituality. Without it the heart becomes hard, closed and vindictive. Central to forgiveness is not just compassion, but common sense. Forgiveness of another's wrong says I don't judge a whole person's life by one act or deed, or a set of acts or deeds. I don't paint a person by one stroke of a brush or one incident. Who of us could survive if we are only perceived by our wrong acts?

Forgiveness isn't just necessary for spiritual health, it is also an important component of mental health. Failure to forgive breeds all sorts of emotional problems: bitterness, vindictiveness, paranoia, and guilt to name a few. Why should we carry this burden on our hearts when we can free ourselves through forgiving the offense? Keeping it alive means letting it grow, fester and becomes infected with exaggerations. It is time consuming, energy depleting, and destructive to our soul.

So let us each make a pledge that no offense or injury is worth ruining our lives. I can see a person more clearly when I let go the offense of that person. Let it go, and let not that act define that person, or burden my heart. Let it go because we all mess up once in a while, and cannot endure our own judgments. Let it go because we need and want the breath of life that forgiveness brings. For to forgive is to act as the Divine

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