Sunday, December 12, 2010

Faith Without the Tether

I am often amused at the amount of contradiction one can find in the gospels. Many come from Jesus own mouth. We are to love our enemies, yet if we don't hate our father and mother we cannot be his disciples. On and on the contradictions go. And why not? Is not life itself contradictory? And if that is so, will not true faith experience doubt, questioning, confusion and light?

I think sometimes we seek a religion that is clean and straightforward, some sort of ship that we can tie our little boat to to drag us along in the sea of life. But that kind of following brings no faith. It is a mere copy act. It can't be faith, because it has no potential for growth.

Faith is something organic, something that grows even as it questions; can find light even while in doubt; can make one strong even while one wrestles with its obscurity. Faith knows there is no danger in being afraid of the dark, only in a willingness to stay there. Faith lives by facing its daily needs. It doesn't need a checklist to see if it is alive.

So when you read the gospels, notice the contradictions and ask yourself what it all means. Questioning helps your faith grow. The stronger your faith, the less you will depend on a human institute. And eventually, you will untie your boat. Because you will know that in the sea of life, Jesus is only an arm length away.

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