Monday, December 1, 2014

Advent: A Time to be Renewed

I need an incentive to be renewed. The beginning of Advent is a good one for me.

In the monastery, Advent was a time of preparation, meaning that we fasted, sacrificed, and did not play Christmas music during the weeks before Christmas. I admit, this was very hard for me my first couple of years. I did not "feel" the Christmas spirit with so much penance those weeks before.

The real change came with Christmas Day. Where others met Christmas with almost a relief that the season was now "over" we met it with the joy that the season had just begun. Once I became accustomed to this change, I found it altered my whole outlook of Advent.

Even to this day, I like to use the time before Christmas as a time of real "preparation." I decide upon a sacrifice I want to make, and make resolutions for better living. I will avoid the music and festivities already in place, and seek silence and time for reflection. These help me approach Christmas with a more spiritual outlook that has nothing to do with gifts and glitter. It also renews my spiritual endeavors, and reminds me of the values I say I hold dear. I spend more time meditating, which always renews me. As I am renewed, I am grounded as the year draws to a close.

I hope you too can find some aspect of "preparation" this year. You do not need to follow mine, but find a way that really "prepares" you spiritually for the feast.

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