Monday, May 7, 2012

When prayers fall on deaf ears

I used to think that my union with God was determined by how quickly my prayers were answered. As my prayers remained unanswered for the most part, you can imagine how my concept of "union with God" became damaged. I always attributed this failure to some sort of defect in me. I never gave a thought to the fact that the answer came, I just didn't get it.

This begs the question of unanswered prayers. Does any prayer really go unanswered? Or are we just bad at understanding God's message?

When I finally moved on, left my situation, and began a new way of life, suddenly all my prayers seemed to get answered. I had not changed. But somehow, I had finally learned that when something isn't working out, when prayers for that situation are seemingly not heard, it is a message that I need a change. It means I am facing a door that isn't meant to open, a window that isn't meant to lead me somewhere, a path that I am not destined to walk. Sometimes when prayers for such things as opening doors, shedding light, and finding paths seem to fall on deaf ears, I must realize, I am the one with the deaf ears, not God.

So now, when prayers seem unanswered, I do not fret. I no longer beat my head against the doors that are closed. Instead, I try to reflect on the situation, the choices I've made and the choices I have. I do some deep soul searching to see if I can't understand what God is saying to me.

For no matter how it feels, God does answer prayer. I am the one who does not always understand that answer.

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