Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A reason to be thankful

Thanksgiving day is almost here! As I list my reasons for gratitude, I do not want to forget those most important in my life. A recent scene brought this to mind.

I was setting up for the service one Sunday when a young man in uniform came in to review his readings. He had just returned home from duty, and was flanked by his dad and two younger brothers. As I watched the boys in the sacristy, I was deeply touched by the youngest brother. As his military brother stood against the counter reviewing the readings, the younger brother went over to stand next to him. He stayed there, his body very close to his older brother, content to be near. Then he reached up to place his arms around his brother's shoulders, and held it there for several seconds. As he did so, he looked up at  his brother, his face literally radiant and happy. The gesture, so spontaneous, so natural, filled with emotion, moved me deeply. I could not help but think, how wonderful for brothers to be so close.

The memory of that incident stays with me this week as I prepare for Thanksgiving. It makes me want to be sure to include every single loved ones in my prayer of gratitude. Too often I take them for granted.

Let us count all of our blessings this Thanksgiving. Let our gratitude not forget those we may sometimes take for granted. Let our prayer of thanksgiving be a hug that spans distances, and sends warmth and appreciation over the miles. Let us build a loving family.

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