Monday, September 26, 2011

Enough to live

So often we Christians misread and misrepresent the Jesus we say we believe in. Take for example the words written in Matthew 28:20 Go out to all the world, teaching them all I have taught you.  For centuries, we Christians took these words as a command to force our religious beliefs on others, even to the point of threatening death if they did not believe and be baptized. That is the way we Christians get things all balled up and actually harm the message rather than spread it. We take the words literally and miss the meaning behind them.

That is because we read the words, but fail to meditate on them. We look for easy answers in the message, instead of pondering them to find the deeper meaning beneath the story. Worse, we use quotes from the gospel as a way of rebuking or instructing others. We do this badly, because often the message we want others to get is not the message of that verse! We have, in effect, cheapened and corrupted our christian faith.

When I pick up the gospels, I need to look for the pearl of great price meant for me.  I need to avoid treating it as a book of history, doctrine, or even guidelines. As I read, I should remember it is a description of a life, a life divine and redemptive of one who invites me to follow him. Only then will I understand that life and feel no need to preach. It will be enough to live it.

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