Saturday, November 27, 2010

Finding Peace Within

Peace. It's what should distinguish a believer from a non-believer. That ability to remain calm and tranquil no matter what may be happening. Peace is the gift God gives to those who seek him, peace that the world cannot take away. Yet, we know that this distinguishing mark no longer characterizes us as it did the early century believers. Why?

St.John of the Cross writes It is sad to see many disturb their soul when it desires to abide in this calm and repose of interior quietude where it is filled with the peace and refreshment of God.  St. John maintains we are our own worst enemy of peace, taking our soul out of quietude and forcing  it into restlessness and distractions. 

True, in our day of busyness, it is hard to find that interior place where we can remove ourselves even momentarily, to recollection and prayer. It is good to find a friend or two who can encourage us in this manner of acting, even a group. By a collected effort, we can bring back the mark of the early Christians, those who portrayed their beliefs through the peace and calm of their lives. We can be that sign, we can have the gift of God within our heart.

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