Friday, November 26, 2010

Color your perception with Self-Reflection

Perception. It colors everything we see, and that colors our opinions. Jesus would have us see things in truth. But truth is very abstract, and subject to various interpretations.

I think the secret to a good perception is the ability to self-reflect. How easy it is to see the faults of others. But self-reflection helps us to put ourselves into the picture as well. And that in turn helps us bring the picture into reality.

Jesus was considered kindhearted except to those who considered themselves righteous. Those were the leaders of the people who felt they were above the rest. Obviously, they could not self-reflect. If they had, they would have listened to Jesus parables, and realized where they stood. And they would not then have stood so firmly in their judgements.

Perception, self-reflection, following Jesus. All should make us kinder individuals, giving a more gentle approach to life, willing to extend a hand instead of a boot.

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