Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turning Toward the Light in Preparation

Advent. A time when darkness reaches its longest day, and then recedes. At least in our hemisphere!

Advent is traditionally a time of preparation. In monastic traditions, it is a season rich with customs and advent practices, all meant to put the mind and heart of a person in readiness for a new awareness of the Divine. There is greater silence, fasting, good deeds, and prayers calling the Lord to come.

In this time of preparation, here in this busy world of ours, we too need to make a corner for some monastic Advent practice. An extra 15 minutes in the morning for quiet reflection and scripture reading. Or a time set aside during the day when we can recollect our thoughts and remember the real reason for this season. Take the time now to make a resolution toward this end. Check daily to see if you are faithful in keeping it.

Darkness yields to light. But only if the earth is rotating on its axis. We too need to turn on the axis of our existence, turn away from the darkness of everyday living, and seek the light of God's presence and his truth. For light is more in our hands than we realize, and our actions do make a difference in our journey and in our search.

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