Monday, March 25, 2013

Finding more in scripture

By Sr. Mary Grace Thul, OP

Scripture can offer us many things: wonderful quotes, moving stories, and powerful examples of how to live. But there is one more thing scripture offers us: a person hidden within.

Jesus is amazing in his failure to fit the image people had for him. He did not come off as the typical carpenter's son. Nor did he act like the savior of the world. No wonder people were confused. Jesus as a person was totally unscripted, without a formula, and with no predictability.

That is because Jesus was a man on a mission. But what was that mission? It is recorded that he walked countless miles, endured privations, cold nights, and endless crowds in an effort to get his message across.

And yet, that was not Jesus ultimate goal. His goal, if you read scripture carefully, was people. It is recorded that every time Jesus was as being interrupted by those who wanted concrete help, he stopped to offer compassion. Whether it was a leper begging for a cure, a women seeking help who had been outcast in her society, or a child dying, Jesus stopped whatever he was doing to attend to the real physical need of those around him.

Not only did Jesus stop, he did not always wait to be asked. He let his humanity bring his compassion to another by touch, by power going out from the hem of his garment, by curing the withered arm while his detractors watched to accuse him.

This is the Jesus I want to discover. This is the part of scripture that gives me power. For it teaches me to also bring compassion to another through a touch, a thought, a hug.

And what better way can I spend Holy Week?

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