Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Be the maker of our own destiny

I recently picked up from another blog the concept of having an "exit plan."  The author of this blog debates the pros and cons of such an idea (she is more inclined to live spontaneously and not to plan), but I think the idea of an exit plan boils down to this: be the decider of your own fate. In other words, you make the choices necessary. Do not leave it up to chance or another individual.

I for one think exit plans are good. I think we often miss out in life because we are too passive and want a freedom that actually harms us spiritually. I think far too many of us refuse to "exit" when necessary because of the risks involved, the unknown, or the insecurity. So we stay put far longer than we should, and miss the excitements and lessons we could learn if only we would take control and exit when our souls prompt us to.

I speak from experience. I often look back at my life of 29 years within a monastery and ask myself why I stayed so long! God was telling me I was not a good fit, but I could not hear it. I kept accepting other opinions that said my only problem was a lack of generosity and faith. I let others tell me that this was the life for me, and get over my questioning. I let others decide what the spirit was saying, instead of discerning it for myself. 

And so I think we all should have an exit plan, we all should know ourselves through what spiritual writers call self-knowledge. I firmly believe we should not let others dictate how life should be for us. Each one of us should be the maker of decisions. Then, whether it is to enter or exit, we will be following, not the whims of another, but the promptings of the spirit alive and awake in our own soul.


  1. Yes I know the difficulties of not exiting, somewhere between loyalty and fear. We hold on because of relationship and familiarity, letting go means change which in time most often proves at least as good as the previous reality, yet we still totter and delay. Life is indeed short but those feelings are quite strong to overcome.

  2. I think you hit the nail on the head...even when we know it would be good to exit, we hang back for several reasons...such as familiarity, security, fear. I do not deny the difficulties of moving forward when we should. I think we need a lot of support for big changes. From God, and from friends.

    Thanks for you comment!


Freezing Beautiful Times

Life would be so much easier if we could freeze the beautiful times, the times when joy overflowed and we were in tune with life around and ...