Friday, May 20, 2011

The treasure hidden within

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross writes Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in this life has a purpose.

Everything that happens to us in life has a purpose. Our job is to find the meaning hidden beneath the event. That’s where silence becomes such a benefit. It allows us the space and place to discover. Silence is like drops of quiet rain, giving life to the ground by breaking the shell of seeds and allowing them to bring forth that which is contained in the seed. Rain doesn’t add anything to a seed; it simply softens the hard covering so that what is inside that seed can come out. No seed will sprout without water.

Silence is like that. Often, darkness teaches us that kind of silence. Darkness can take away all thought, and leave us with feelings of emptiness. And if we sit before God with that emptiness, we find that in the darkness we are learning to discern God. And sitting in that darkness, waiting on God, we learn to listen in a different way. It’s as though the water of silence breaks the hard shell around our heart, and the life that we have within sprouts and begins to flourish. And what we truly are begins to blossom and mature. 

If you would give yourself a treat, take ten minutes a day to just “be”. Do not try to block thoughts; simply sit with your mind and try to unwind, directing your attention to the presence within you, the Divine presence.  You do not need words, only attention. If you do this long enough, you will find that treasure, because that treasure is within.

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