Monday, December 19, 2011

O Root of Jesse

O Root of Jesse says the O Antiphon for today. A sign for the people, before whom Kings remain silent.

What message can we take from today’s O antiphon? While thinking of yesterday’s gospel, I felt attracted to the thought of going inward, seeking meaning, and using reflection to create depth to one’s life. Now, I can see that such thoughts mirror the concept of roots…for roots seek to go deep.

We are one week before Christmas. When I take a look around, I see lights, decorations, and demonstrations of the Season everywhere. I like that, for it puts me in a certain spirit, one filled with joy and hope and good feelings.

But I am coming to regard Christmas season as offering almost the opposite of what should govern our spiritual lives. Jesus came from out of mystery, as Romans 16:26 says: the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages but now manifested through the prophetic writings--made known to all nations...

But for me, I must retrace that journey, and to do so, I must go inward into mystery and find the revelation meant for me.

God does speak to me. But I have not trained myself to be aware of the Voice. I look for signs, for lights, for outward things to give me a feelings of warmth and joy.

I need to seek inward, in my own soul, for that same joy and warmth. I need to uncover the revelation waiting for my discovery.

Jesus born in a stable is celebrated once a year. I can celebrate the revelation of the Divine Being every day, in my inner sanctum, in my soul, in my roots.

O Root of Jesse, who stood as a sign for the people, before you kings shall remain silent, and to you the Gentiles shall make supplication: come to deliver us, and do not delay. (O Antiphon for Dec. 19th)

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