Sunday, June 5, 2011

The dark brush stroke

It's not the events in life that throw us off track; it's the failure to find the gem in them that keeps us from profiting. If we fail to discover that gem, to hold on to it, we will keep running...running from pain, running from loss, running from the reality we find difficult to accept.

Such are my thoughts reading The Memory Keeper's Daughter. A story of loss, it tells in vivid detail how failure to find the gem can slowly destroy one's life and the lives of those around you. As I read this story, I feel haunted by memories of my own life and loss, and wonder, have I dealt with such things, or am I in some sense running myself, but calling it by a different name, such as journey, or career, or finding my dream?

How do you know if you are running from a painful reality? I think it comes down to how I view that reality. If I find the gem hidden in pain or loss, I will remember the occasion without bitterness or anger. If I don't, then I will remember it by the dark brush stroke of the one deed, and paint much of life with that same brush.

It's a scary thought. Or, it could be an awesome discovery.

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