Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Holy Daring!

Make every place the "house of the Lord"

There is one thing I ask of the Lord, this I seek; to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Ps 27).

This psalm reminds me of a great woman mystic, St Teresa of Avila. In her writings she invites us to be familiar with God, to believe in God, and to count on God. She called it "holy daring." I would believing that I can be in the presence of God always as part of that daring faith.

If you have ever read any of the writings of Teresa of Avila, you will be familiar with her type of conversation with God. She writes that she tripped one day when about to get into a carriage, and fell into a mud puddle. She heard Jesus say, "This is how I treat my friends."  "Well, then, it's no wonder you have so few," she replied.

I love such dialogue. I want that familiar relationship with Jesus. I want to be so close to God that no matter where I go, or no matter what life brings, I am dwelling in "the hose of the Lord" by being wrapped in God's presence. In a sunset; in a mud puddle.

This is my prayer today. I pray the same for you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Life is not fair.

Photo by Kathleen J. Young

Attitudes Toward Your Life

“Life is not fair,” the sinner said,

And he sinned all he could, regardless.

“Life is not fair,” the agnostic said,

And he killed himself to prove it.

“Life is not fair,” the advocate said,

And he thought up new laws to amend it.

“Life is not fair,” the zealot said,

And he started a war to protest it.

“Life is not fair,” the thief said,

And he stole what he could to possess it.

“Life is not fair,” the Savior said,

And he shed all his blood to redeem it.

Freezing Beautiful Times

Life would be so much easier if we could freeze the beautiful times, the times when joy overflowed and we were in tune with life around and ...