Tuesday, January 5, 2016

I am loved

I think this quote from the letter of John surpasses most other quotes:

"In this is love; not that we have loved God, but that God loved us."

This thought of God's love strengthens me as I journey through life. I also find that this thought does not automatically bring comfort. 

For one, I find that God's love sometimes spells disaster. Think of the gospel stories: The Magi were content people until they met Jesus. After their visit they had to flee for their lives for fear of Herod. Mary and Joseph, too, seem quite normal people until Jesus comes along. Their first act was to flee into Egypt because of the threat of death.

Even in our own lives, how many times has loving God caused more trials than we would have undergone otherwise?

So, I have to stop and think. And my thought is, God's love is not some superficial happiness. God's love helps effect a deepening of our spiritual lives. And that requires us to strip off all that is false and shallow so that we can be more authentic.

When I strip, I discover something new, something hidden, something I would not have seen otherwise. This is how God's love works....God would have us leave off the empty show of words and deeds and stand tall in our own truth. When I strip off the false, I stand naked just as I am. And I can only do this if I am convinced of God's love.

Carlos Ezpiroz Costa writes in contemplation we see in light what others can not see. Jesus brings always-Light. Our first real glimpse of ourselves is quite frightening-and we will suffer shock until we come to accept our own reality. This is why it is important to remember that God has already loved us, in full knowledge of our true selves, long before we know it ourselves.

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